Class PassthroughElement

    • Field Detail


        public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE

        The standard component type for this component.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • PassthroughElement

        public PassthroughElement()
    • Method Detail

      • getOnclick

        public String getOnclick()

        Return the value of the onclick property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a pointer button is clicked over this element.

        the value of the onclick property.
      • setOnclick

        public void setOnclick​(String onclick)

        Set the value of the onclick property.

        onclick - the value of the onclick property.
      • getOndblclick

        public String getOndblclick()

        Return the value of the ondblclick property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a pointer button is double clicked over this element.

        the value of the ondblclick property.
      • setOndblclick

        public void setOndblclick​(String ondblclick)

        Set the value of the ondblclick property.

        ondblclick - the value of the ondblclick property.
      • getOnkeydown

        public String getOnkeydown()

        Return the value of the onkeydown property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a key is pressed down over this element.

        the value of the onkeydown property.
      • setOnkeydown

        public void setOnkeydown​(String onkeydown)

        Set the value of the onkeydown property.

        onkeydown - the value of the onkeydown property.
      • getOnkeypress

        public String getOnkeypress()

        Return the value of the onkeypress property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a key is pressed and released over this element.

        the value of the onkeypress property.
      • setOnkeypress

        public void setOnkeypress​(String onkeypress)

        Set the value of the onkeypress property.

        onkeypress - the value of the onkeypress property.
      • getOnkeyup

        public String getOnkeyup()

        Return the value of the onkeyup property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a key is released over this element.

        the value of the onkeyup property.
      • setOnkeyup

        public void setOnkeyup​(String onkeyup)

        Set the value of the onkeyup property.

        onkeyup - the value of the onkeyup property.
      • getOnmousedown

        public String getOnmousedown()

        Return the value of the onmousedown property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a pointer button is pressed down over this element.

        the value of the onmousedown property.
      • setOnmousedown

        public void setOnmousedown​(String onmousedown)

        Set the value of the onmousedown property.

        onmousedown - the value of the onmousedown property.
      • getOnmousemove

        public String getOnmousemove()

        Return the value of the onmousemove property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved within this element.

        the value of the onmousemove property.
      • setOnmousemove

        public void setOnmousemove​(String onmousemove)

        Set the value of the onmousemove property.

        onmousemove - the value of the onmousemove property.
      • getOnmouseout

        public String getOnmouseout()

        Return the value of the onmouseout property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved away from this element.

        the value of the onmouseout property.
      • setOnmouseout

        public void setOnmouseout​(String onmouseout)

        Set the value of the onmouseout property.

        onmouseout - the value of the onmouseout property.
      • getOnmouseover

        public String getOnmouseover()

        Return the value of the onmouseover property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved onto this element.

        the value of the onmouseover property.
      • setOnmouseover

        public void setOnmouseover​(String onmouseover)

        Set the value of the onmouseover property.

        onmouseover - the value of the onmouseover property.
      • getOnmouseup

        public String getOnmouseup()

        Return the value of the onmouseup property.

        Contents: Javascript code executed when a pointer button is released over this element.

        the value of the onmouseup property.
      • setOnmouseup

        public void setOnmouseup​(String onmouseup)

        Set the value of the onmouseup property.

        onmouseup - the value of the onmouseup property.
      • getStyle

        public String getStyle()

        Return the value of the style property.

        Contents: CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.

        the value of the style property.
      • setStyle

        public void setStyle​(String style)

        Set the value of the style property.

        style - the value of the style property.
      • getStyleClass

        public String getStyleClass()

        Return the value of the styleClass property.

        Contents: Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when this element is rendered. This value must be passed through as the "class" property on generated markup.

        the value of the styleClass property.
      • setStyleClass

        public void setStyleClass​(String styleClass)

        Set the value of the styleClass property.

        styleClass - the value of the styleClass property.