Class Documents

  • public class Documents
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Documents

        public Documents()
    • Method Detail

      • getXMLDocuments

        public static DocumentInfo[] getXMLDocuments​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext,
                                                     List<ConfigurationResourceProvider> providers,
                                                     ExecutorService executor,
                                                     boolean validating)

        Obtains an array of Documents to be processed

        servletContext - the ServletContext for the application to be processed
        providers - List of ConfigurationResourceProvider instances that provide the URL of the documents to parse.
        executor - the ExecutorService used to dispatch parse request to
        validating - flag indicating whether or not the documents should be validated
        an array of DocumentInfos
      • sortDocuments

        public static DocumentInfo[] sortDocuments​(DocumentInfo[] facesDocuments,
                                                   FacesConfigInfo webInfFacesConfig)

        Sort the faces-config documents found on the classpath and those specified by the jakarta.faces.CONFIG_FILES context init parameter.

        facesDocuments - an array of all faces-config documents
        webInfFacesConfig - FacesConfigInfo representing the WEB-INF/faces-config.xml for this app
        the sorted documents