Interface TemplateClient

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CompositionHandler, DecorateHandler, InsertHandler

    public interface TemplateClient
    FaceletHandlers can implement this contract and push themselves into the FaceletContext for participating in templating. Templates will attempt to resolve content for a specified name until one of the TemplatClients return 'true'.
    Jacob Hookom
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean apply​(FaceletContext ctx, UIComponent parent, String name)
      This contract is much like the normal FaceletHandler.apply method, but it takes in an optional String name which tells this instance what fragment/definition it's looking for.
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        boolean apply​(FaceletContext ctx,
                      UIComponent parent,
                      String name)
               throws IOException
        This contract is much like the normal FaceletHandler.apply method, but it takes in an optional String name which tells this instance what fragment/definition it's looking for. If you are a match, apply your logic to the passed UIComponent and return true, otherwise do nothing and return false.
        ctx - the FaceletContext of your instance, not the templates'
        parent - current UIComponent instance to be applied
        name - the String name or null if the whole body should be included
        true if this client matched/applied the definition for the passed name
        IOException - when an I/O exception occurs
        FaceletException - when a Facelet exception occurs
        FacesException - when a Faces exception occurs
        jakarta.el.ELException - when an EL exception occurs