Class TableRenderer

    • Constructor Detail

      • TableRenderer

        public TableRenderer()
    • Method Detail

      • encodeBegin

        public void encodeBegin​(FacesContext context,
                                UIComponent component)
                         throws IOException
        Description copied from class: Renderer

        Render the beginning specified UIComponent to the output stream or writer associated with the response we are creating. If the conversion attempted in a previous call to getConvertedValue() for this component failed, the state information saved during execution of decode() should be used to reproduce the incorrect input.

        encodeBegin in class Renderer
        context - FacesContext for the request we are processing
        component - UIComponent to be rendered
        IOException - if an input/output error occurs while rendering
      • encodeChildren

        public void encodeChildren​(FacesContext context,
                                   UIComponent component)
                            throws IOException
        Description copied from class: Renderer

        Render the child components of this UIComponent, following the rules described for encodeBegin() to acquire the appropriate value to be rendered. This method will only be called if the rendersChildren property of this component is true.

        encodeChildren in class Renderer
        context - FacesContext for the response we are creating
        component - UIComponent whose children are to be rendered
        IOException - if an input/output error occurs while rendering
      • getRendersChildren

        public boolean getRendersChildren()
        Description copied from class: Renderer

        Return a flag indicating whether this Renderer is responsible for rendering the children the component it is asked to render. The default implementation returns false.

        getRendersChildren in class HtmlBasicRenderer
        the current value of the flag
      • renderRow

        protected void renderRow​(FacesContext context,
                                 UIComponent table,
                                 UIComponent child,
                                 ResponseWriter writer)
                          throws IOException
        Description copied from class: BaseTableRenderer
        Call to render the content that should be included between opening and closing tr elements.
        Specified by:
        renderRow in class BaseTableRenderer
        context - the FacesContext for the current request
        table - the table that's being rendered
        child - the current row (if any - an implmenetation may not need this)
        writer - the current writer
        IOException - if content cannot be written