Class DecorateHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • DecorateHandler

        public DecorateHandler​(TagConfig config)
        config -
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public void apply​(FaceletContext ctxObj,
                          UIComponent parent)
                   throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: FaceletHandler

        Process changes on a particular UIComponent

        Specified by:
        apply in interface FaceletHandler
        ctxObj - the current FaceletContext instance for this execution
        parent - the parent UIComponent to operate upon
        IOException - if unable to load relativePath
      • apply

        public boolean apply​(FaceletContext ctx,
                             UIComponent parent,
                             String name)
                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: TemplateClient
        This contract is much like the normal FaceletHandler.apply method, but it takes in an optional String name which tells this instance what fragment/definition it's looking for. If you are a match, apply your logic to the passed UIComponent and return true, otherwise do nothing and return false.
        Specified by:
        apply in interface TemplateClient
        ctx - the FaceletContext of your instance, not the templates'
        parent - current UIComponent instance to be applied
        name - the String name or null if the whole body should be included
        true if this client matched/applied the definition for the passed name
        IOException - when an I/O exception occurs