

package async

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. async
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class BulkDocRow[T](id: String, rev: String, doc: Option[T]) extends Product with Serializable

  2. final case class BulkSave[T](all_or_nothing: Boolean, docs: List[T]) extends Product with Serializable

  3. class CList extends sohva.CList[Future]

  4. class ChangeStream extends sohva.ChangeStream

    The original change stream which contains the active connection to the database.

    The original change stream which contains the active connection to the database. this is the interface to subscribe to the observable, and to stop the stream.

  5. class CookieSession extends CouchDB with Session with sohva.CookieSession[Future]

    An instance of a Couch session, that allows the user to login and send request identified with the login credentials.

    An instance of a Couch session, that allows the user to login and send request identified with the login credentials. This performs a cookie based authentication against the couchdb server. The couchdb client instance retrieved for this session will send request authenticated by the user that logged in in this session.

  6. class CouchClient extends CouchDB with sohva.CouchClient[Future]

    A CouchDB instance.

    A CouchDB instance. Allows users to access the different databases and instance information. This is the key class to start with when one wants to work with couchdb. Through this one you will get access to the sessions and anonymous access to databases.

  7. abstract class CouchDB extends sohva.CouchDB[Future] with LiftMarshalling

    A CouchDB instance.

    A CouchDB instance. Allows users to access the different databases and information. This is the key class to start with when one wants to work with couchdb. Through this one you will get access to the databases.

  8. class Database extends sohva.Database[Future] with LiftMarshalling

    Gives the user access to the different operations available on a database.

    Gives the user access to the different operations available on a database. Among other operations this is the key class to get access to the documents of this database.

    It also exposes the change handler interface, that allows people to react to change notifications. This is a low-level API, that handles raw Json objects

  9. class Design extends sohva.Design[Future]

    A design gives access to the different views.

    A design gives access to the different views. Use this class to get or create new views.

  10. trait LiftMarshalling extends AnyRef

  11. class OAuthSession extends CouchDB with Session with sohva.OAuthSession[Future] with LiftMarshalling

    An instance of a Couch session that allows the user to perform authenticated operations using OAuth.

    An instance of a Couch session that allows the user to perform authenticated operations using OAuth. The request is prepared as per RFC-5849

  12. class Replicator extends Database with sohva.Replicator[Future]

    A replicator database that allows people to manage replications:

    A replicator database that allows people to manage replications:

    • start replication
    • cancel or stop replications
    • list current replications
  13. trait Session extends CouchDB with sohva.Session[Future]

    Methods that must be implemented by a session.

  14. class Show extends sohva.Show[Future]

  15. class Update extends sohva.Update[Future] with LiftMarshalling

  16. class Users extends sohva.Users[Future]

    The users database, exposing the interface for managing couchdb users.

  17. class View extends sohva.View[Future]

    A view can be queried to get the result.

Value Members

  1. val COPY: HttpMethod

  2. val Copy: spray.httpx.RequestBuilding.RequestBuilder

  3. object OAuth

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
