

package dsl

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait JSCouch extends JS with JSJson with Structs with Dynamics with JSMaps with Casts

    CouchDB methods that are available everywhere on the CouchDB server

  2. trait JSCouchDesign extends JSCouch

  3. trait JSCouchExp extends JSExp with JSCouch with JSJsonExp with StructExp with Dynamics with JSMapsExp with CastsCheckedExp

  4. trait JSCouchView[Key, Mapped] extends JSCouch

    Methods that are available in the context of views

  5. trait JSDesign extends JSCouchExp

    A couchDB design documents consists of several parts:

  6. trait JSGenCouch extends GenJS with JSGenJson with GenStruct with GenDynamics with GenJSMaps with QuoteGen

  7. trait JSGenCouchDesign extends JSGenCouch

  8. trait JSGenCouchView[Key, Mapped] extends JSGenCouch

  9. trait JSGenJson extends GenProxy with QuoteGen

  10. trait JSJson extends Proxy

    JSON2 object access

  11. trait JSJsonExp extends JSJson with ProxyExp

  12. trait JSView[Key, Mapped] extends JSCouchView[Key, Mapped] with JSCouchExp

    A view implemented in the Sohva-DSL must implement a map function and may have a reduce function with the given signatures.

  13. class ViewManifest[Key, Mapped] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object DSL

    Code written in the Sohva-DSL must be compiled to Sohva representations.
