Interface PropertySet

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    EmptyPropertySet, PropertiesPropertySet, SystemPropertiesPropertySet

    public interface PropertySet
    Basic interface that describes a set of properties - could be a Properties object or a resource bundle or any other set of key/value string pairs. The PropertiesTypeLoader builds types on this basic interface
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        The name of the property set, which will be used as the name of the type
        a non null name
      • getKeys

        Set<String> getKeys()
        The set of keys which can be used to look up values in this property set
        a non null set containing the keys
      • getValue

        String getValue​(String key)
        Get the value corresponding to the given key
        key - the key, never null
        the value corresponding to the given key or null if there is no corresponding value