Class APSP

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class APSP
implements Algorithm
All-pair shortest paths lengths.

This class implements the Floyd-Warshall all pair shortest path algorithm where the shortest path from any node to any destination in a given weighted graph (with positive or negative edge weights) is performed.

The computational complexity is O(n^3), this may seems a very large, however this algorithm may perform better than running several Dijkstra on all node pairs of the graph (that would be of complexity O(n^2 log(n))) when the graph becomes dense.

Note that all the possible paths are not explicitly computed and stored. Instead, the weight is computed and a data structure similar to network routing tables is created directly on the graph. This allows a linear reconstruction of the wanted paths, on demand, minimizing the memory consumption.

For each node of the graph, a APSP.APSPInfo attribute is stored. The name of this attribute is APSP.APSPInfo.ATTRIBUTE_NAME.


The implementation of this algorithm is made with two main classes that reflect the two main steps of the algorithm that are:

  1. compute pairwise weights for all nodes;
  2. retrieve actual paths from some given sources to some given destinations.

For the first step (the real shortest path computation) you need to create an APSP object with 3 parameters:

  • a reference to the graph to be computed;
  • a string that indicates the name of the attribute to consider for the weighting;
  • a boolean that indicates whether the computation considers edges direction or not.

Those 3 parameters can be set in a ran in the constructor APSP(Graph,String,boolean) or by using separated setters (see example below).

Then the actual computation takes place by calling the compute() method which is implemented from the "Algorithm" interface. This method actually does the computation.

Secondly, when the weights are computed, one can retrieve paths with the help of another class: "APSPInfo". Such object are stored in each node and hold routing tables that can help rebuild shortest paths.

Retrieving an "APSPInfo" instance from a node is done for instance for a node of id "F", like this::

 APSPInfo info = graph.getNode("F").getAttribute(APSPInfo.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);

then the shortest path from a "F" to another node (say "A") is given by::



 import org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP;
 import org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP.APSPInfo;
 import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
 import org.graphstream.graph.implementations.DefaultGraph;
 public class APSPTest {
 //     B-(1)-C
 //    /       \
 //  (1)       (10)
 //  /           \
 // A             F
 //  \           /
 //  (1)       (1)
 //    \       /
 //     D-(1)-E
        static String my_graph = "DGS004\n" 
                        + "my 0 0\n" 
                        + "an A \n" 
                        + "an B \n"
                        + "an C \n" 
                        + "an D \n" 
                        + "an E \n" 
                        + "an F \n"
                        + "ae AB A B weight:1 \n" 
                        + "ae AD A D weight:1 \n"
                        + "ae BC B C weight:1 \n" 
                        + "ae CF C F weight:10 \n"
                        + "ae DE D E weight:1 \n" 
                        + "ae EF E F weight:1 \n";
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
                Graph graph = new DefaultGraph("APSP Test");
                ByteArrayInputStream bs = new ByteArrayInputStream(my_graph.getBytes());
                FileSourceDGS source = new FileSourceDGS();
                APSP apsp = new APSP();
                apsp.init(graph); // registering apsp as a sink for the graph
                apsp.setDirected(false); // undirected graph
                apsp.setWeightAttributeName("weight"); // ensure that the attribute name
                                                                                                // used is "weight"
                apsp.compute(); // the method that actually computes shortest paths
                APSPInfo info = graph.getNode("F")

Other Features


This algorithm can use directed graphs and only compute paths according to this direction. You can choose to ignore edge orientation by calling setDirected(boolean) method with "false" as value (or use the appropriate constructor).

Shortest Paths with weighted edges

You can also specify that edges have "weights" or "importance" that value them. You store these values as attributes on the edges. The default name for these attributes is "weight" but you can specify it using the setWeightAttributeName(String) method (or by using the appropriate constructor). The weight attribute must contain an object that implements java.lang.Number.

How shortest paths are stored in the graph?

All the shortest paths are not literally stored in the graph because it would require to much memory to do so. Instead, only useful data, allowing the fast reconstruction of any path, is stored. The storage approach is alike network routing tables where each node maintains a list of all possible targets linked with the next hop neighbor to go through.

Technically, on each node, for each target, we only store the target node name and if the path is made of more than one edge, one "pass-by" node. As all shortest path that is made of more than one edge is necessarily made of two other shortest paths, it is easy to reconstruct a shortest path between two arbitrary nodes knowing only a pass-by node. This approach still stores a lot of data on the graph, however far less than if we stored complete paths.

Computational Complexity :
O(n^3) with n the number of nodes.
Scientific Reference :
Floyd, Robert W. "Algorithm 97: Shortest Path". Communications of the ACM 5 (6): 345. doi:10.1145/367766.368168. 1962., Warshall, Stephen. "A theorem on Boolean matrices". Journal of the ACM 9 (1): 11–12. doi:10.1145/321105.321107. 1962.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • APSP

      public APSP()
    • APSP

      public APSP​(org.graphstream.graph.Graph graph)
      New APSP algorithm working on the given graph. The edge weight attribute name by default is "weight" and edge orientation is taken into account.
      graph - The graph to use.
    • APSP

      public APSP​(org.graphstream.graph.Graph graph, String weightAttributeName, boolean directed)
      New APSP algorithm working on the given graph. To fetch edges importance, the algorithm use the given string as attribute name for edge weights. Weights must be a descendant of Number.
      graph - The graph to use.
      weightAttributeName - The edge weight attribute name.
      directed - If false, edge orientation is ignored.
  • Method Details

    • isDirected

      public boolean isDirected()
      True if the algorithm must take edge orientation into account.
      True if directed.
    • getWeightAttributeName

      public String getWeightAttributeName()
      The name of the attribute to use for retrieving edge weights.
      An attribute name.
    • getGraph

      public org.graphstream.graph.Graph getGraph()
      Access to the working graph.
      graph being used
    • setDirected

      public void setDirected​(boolean on)
      Choose to use or ignore edge orientation.
      on - If true edge orientation is used.b
    • registerProgressIndicator

      public void registerProgressIndicator​(APSP.Progress progress)
      Specify an interface to call in order to indicate the algorithm progress. Pass null to remove the progress indicator. The progress indicator will be called regularly to indicate the computation progress.
    • setWeightAttributeName

      public void setWeightAttributeName​(String name)
      Choose the name of the attribute used to retrieve edge weights. Edge weights attribute must contain a value that inherit Number.
      name - The attribute name.
    • init

      public void init​(org.graphstream.graph.Graph graph)
      Description copied from interface: Algorithm
      Initialization of the algorithm. This method has to be called before the Algorithm.compute() method to initialize or reset the algorithm according to the new given graph.
      Specified by:
      init in interface Algorithm
      graph - The graph this algorithm is using.
      See Also:
    • setSource

      public void setSource​(String source)
    • setTarget

      public void setTarget​(String target)
    • defaultResult

      public String defaultResult()
    • compute

      public void compute()
      Run the APSP computation. When finished, the graph is equipped with specific attributes of type APSP.APSPInfo. These attributes contain a map of length toward each other attainable node. The attribute name is given by APSP.APSPInfo.ATTRIBUTE_NAME.
      Specified by:
      compute in interface Algorithm
      See Also:
      Computational Complexity :
      O(n^3) where n is the number of nodes in the graph.
    • nodeAdded

      public void nodeAdded​(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId)
      Specified by:
      nodeAdded in interface
      nodeAdded in class
    • nodeRemoved

      public void nodeRemoved​(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId)
      Specified by:
      nodeRemoved in interface
      nodeRemoved in class
    • edgeAdded

      public void edgeAdded​(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId, String fromNodeId, String toNodeId, boolean directed)
      Specified by:
      edgeAdded in interface
      edgeAdded in class
    • edgeRemoved

      public void edgeRemoved​(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId)
      Specified by:
      edgeRemoved in interface
      edgeRemoved in class
    • graphCleared

      public void graphCleared​(String graphId, long timeId)
      Specified by:
      graphCleared in interface
      graphCleared in class
    • edgeAttributeAdded

      public void edgeAttributeAdded​(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId, String attribute, Object value)
      Specified by:
      edgeAttributeAdded in interface
      edgeAttributeAdded in class
    • edgeAttributeChanged

      public void edgeAttributeChanged​(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId, String attribute, Object oldValue, Object value)
      Specified by:
      edgeAttributeChanged in interface
      edgeAttributeChanged in class