Interface ViewResolver

public interface ViewResolver
View Resolvers provide a way that plugins can provide custom sources for looking up views. Each resolvable view must also have a corresponding Search saved in the database. The ViewResolver methods pertaining to search records must be implemented in order for runtime operation of views to work correctly. See and for more information.
  • Method Details

    • get

    • getBySearchId

      Set<ViewDTO> getBySearchId(String searchId)
      searchId - A search id.
      the corresponding ViewDTO for supplied searchId.
    • getSearchIds

      Set<String> getSearchIds()
      A set of all search ids referenced by resolvable views. The search ids must be returned to prevent the searches from being automatically deleted by periodically by SearchesCleanUpJob.
    • canReadView

      boolean canReadView(String viewId, Predicate<String> permissionTester, BiPredicate<String,String> entityPermissionsTester)
      A method to return whether the current user is authorized to read the current resolved view and its related objects (such as the backing Search record). This method accepts two permissions tester predicates, to allow each implementation to perform any combination of permission checks needed.
      viewId - The id of the view.
      permissionTester - A predicate, which tests a single string permission parameter. For example, is the user authorized to read a view based on having of a particular permission?
      entityPermissionsTester - A bi-predicate which tests two parameters (the permission to test and the id of the entity). For example, is the user authorized to read a view based on having a particular permission and/or having access to a particular entity?