Class CloudTrailInput

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CloudTrailInput extends MessageInput
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • onlyOnePerCluster

      public boolean onlyOnePerCluster()
      Description copied from class: MessageInput
      Determines if Graylog should only launch a single instance of this input at a time in the cluster.

      This might be useful for an input which polls data from an external source and maintains local state, i.e. a cursor, to determine records have been fetched already. In that case, running a second instance of the input at the same time on a different node in the cluster might then lead to the same data fetched again, which would produce duplicate log messages in Graylog.

      Returning true from this method will only really make sense if the input also isGlobal.

      onlyOnePerCluster in class MessageInput
      true if only a single instance of the input should be launched in the cluster. It will be launched on the leader node.

      false otherwise