Interface Failure

All Known Implementing Classes:
IndexingFailure, ProcessingFailure

public interface Failure
A failure occurring at different stages of message processing (e.g. pipeline processing, extraction, Elasticsearch indexing)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a failed message
    Returns a cause of this failure
    Returns further failure details, which are supposed to answer the question "WHY this failure has happened?"
    Returns a timestamp of this failure
    Returns a type of this failure
    Returns a brief description of this failure, which is supposed to answer the following 2 questions: 1) WHAT has happened? 2) WHICH component has caused it?
    Returns true if the failed message must be acknowledged upon failure handling
    Returns an ElasticSearch index name targeted by the failed message.
  • Method Details

    • failureType

      FailureType failureType()
      Returns a type of this failure
    • failureCause

      FailureCause failureCause()
      Returns a cause of this failure
    • message

      String message()
      Returns a brief description of this failure, which is supposed to answer the following 2 questions: 1) WHAT has happened? 2) WHICH component has caused it?
    • failureDetails

      String failureDetails()
      Returns further failure details, which are supposed to answer the question "WHY this failure has happened?"
    • failureTimestamp

      org.joda.time.DateTime failureTimestamp()
      Returns a timestamp of this failure
    • failedMessage

      Indexable failedMessage()
      Returns a failed message
    • targetIndex

      @Nullable String targetIndex()
      Returns an ElasticSearch index name targeted by the failed message. For non-indexing failures the value might be null.
    • requiresAcknowledgement

      boolean requiresAcknowledgement()
      Returns true if the failed message must be acknowledged upon failure handling