
public class URL extends Object
This class simply delegates the safe methods to the URL. Specifically we want to disallow called URL.getContent() from a rule.
  • Constructor Details

    • URL

      public URL(URL url)
    • URL

      public URL(URI uri)
    • URL

      public URL(String urlString)
  • Method Details

    • getQuery

      public String getQuery()
    • getQueryParams

      public Map<String,String> getQueryParams()
    • getUserInfo

      public String getUserInfo()
    • getHost

      public String getHost()
    • getPath

      public String getPath()
    • getFile

      public String getFile()
    • getProtocol

      public String getProtocol()
    • getDefaultPort

      public int getDefaultPort()
    • getFragment

      public String getFragment()
      alias for #getRef, fragment is more commonly used
    • getRef

      public String getRef()
    • getAuthority

      public String getAuthority()
    • getPort

      public int getPort()
    • hasParsedUrl

      public boolean hasParsedUrl()
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object