

package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class IntervalListReader extends Traversable[(ReferenceRegion, String)]

    Reads GATK-style interval list files e.

  2. class MdTag extends AnyRef

    Represents the mismatches and deletions present in a read that has been aligned to a reference genome.

  3. class ParquetFileTraversable[T <: IndexedRecord] extends Traversable[T]

  4. class QualityScore extends Ordered[QualityScore] with Serializable

  5. case class ReferenceContigMap(contigMap: Map[String, Seq[NucleotideContigFragment]]) extends ReferenceFile with Product with Serializable

  6. trait ReferenceFile extends Serializable

    File that contains a reference assembly that can be broadcasted

  7. class RegExp extends AnyRef

    Wraps the java Pattern class, to allow for easier regular expression matching (including making the matches/finds methods return Option[Matcher], so that we can flatMap a set of strings with these methods).

  8. class TwoBitFile extends ReferenceFile

    Represents a set of reference sequences backed by a .

  9. class TwoBitFileSerializer extends Serializer[TwoBitFile]

Value Members

  1. object AttributeUtils

    AttributeUtils is a utility object for parsing optional fields from a BAM file, or the attributes column from an ADAM file.

  2. object Flattener

  3. object ImplicitJavaConversions

  4. object MapTools

  5. object MdTag

  6. object MdTagEvent extends Enumeration

  7. object ParquetLogger

  8. object PhredUtils

  9. object QualityScore extends Serializable

  10. object ReferenceContigMap extends Serializable

  11. object RegExp

  12. object TwoBitFile extends Serializable

  13. object Util
