

package reference

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. reference
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class ContigIterator[+T] extends BufferedIterator[T]

    Given some elements and a function for extracting a ContigName from them, return an iterator that is restricted to the given contig.

  2. implicit final class ContigLengths extends AnyVal

  3. case class ContigName extends Ordered[ContigName] with Product with Serializable

  4. trait ContigSequence extends BasesBuffer

  5. class ContigsIterator[T] extends SimpleBufferedIterator[(ContigName, ContigIterator[T])]

    Divide an iterator into a series of contig-restricted iterators.

  6. trait HasContig extends Any

  7. trait HasLocus extends Any

  8. trait Interval extends Any

  9. type KmerLength = Int

  10. case class Locus(locus: LociT) extends Ordered[Locus] with Comparable[Locus] with Product with Serializable

  11. type NumLoci = Locus

  12. case class Position(contigName: ContigName, locus: Locus) extends Region with HasLocus with Product with Serializable

    Base trait for classes that logically exist at one genomic locus.

  13. trait Region extends HasContig with Interval

    Trait for objects that are associated with an interval on a genomic contig.

  14. class Registrar extends KryoRegistrator

  15. case class RepeatedContigException(msg: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  16. case class Slice(contigName: ContigName, start: Locus, bases: Bases) extends Region with Product with Serializable

  17. implicit final class WindowSize extends AnyVal with Ordered[Int]

Value Members

  1. object ContigIterator

    Public ContigIterator constructors that infer the ContigName-function from the iterator-type T.

  2. object ContigLengths

  3. object ContigName extends Serializable

    Helpers for dealing with contig-name strings.

  4. object ContigsIterator

    Public ContigsIterator constructors infer the org.hammerlab.genomics.reference.ContigName-function from a HasContig or a T).

  5. object HasLocus

  6. object Interval

  7. implicit object Locus extends Numeric[Locus]

  8. object NumLoci extends Serializable

  9. object Position extends Serializable

  10. object Region

  11. object WindowSize

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
