

package rdd

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CachedCountRegistry extends AnyRef

    CachedCountRegistry adds a .size method to RDDs that mimicks RDD.count, but caches its result.

  2. class IfRDD[T] extends Serializable

    Hang an iff method off of RDDs, as a small bit of syntactic sugar.

  3. case class KeyPartitioner(numPartitions: Int) extends Partitioner with Product with Serializable

    Spark Partitioner that maps elements to a partition indicated by an Int that either is the key, or is the first element of a tuple.

  4. class OrderedRepartitionRDD[T] extends Serializable

    Some helpers for repartitioning an RDD while retaining the order of its elements.

  5. class RunLengthRDD[T] extends AnyRef

    Helper for run-length encoding an RDD.

Value Members

  1. object CachedCountRegistry

  2. object IfRDD extends Serializable

  3. object KeyPartitioner extends Serializable

  4. object OrderedRepartitionRDD extends Serializable

  5. object RunLengthRDD

  6. package cmp

  7. package grid

  8. package keyed

  9. package partitions

  10. package serde

  11. package sliding

  12. package sort

  13. package zip
