

package suite

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait JavaSerializerSuite extends Suite with SparkSuite

    Mix-in that sets Spark serialization to Java.

  2. class KryoSparkSuite[T <: KryoRegistrator] extends Suite with SparkSuite with KryoRegistrator

    Base for test-suites that rely on Kryo serialization, including registering classes for serialization in a test-suite-scoped manner.

  3. trait PerCaseSuite extends Suite with SparkSuiteBase

    Base for test-suites that expose a fresh SparkContext for each test-case.

  4. trait SparkSerialization extends AnyRef

    Mix-in that exposes a Spark org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer instance.

  5. trait SparkSuite extends Suite with SharedSparkContext with SparkSuiteBase

    Base for test suites that use a org.apache.spark.SparkContext.

  6. trait SparkSuiteBase extends AnyRef

    Base for tests that initialize SparkConfs (and org.apache.spark.SparkContexts, though that is left to subclasses).
