All Classes and Interfaces

Convenient base class for SqlQueryResolver implementations.
QueryHolder for caching.
Abstract ModelConverter implementation.
Interface that defines an API error of the application.
This enricher adds api error information to the error response resource.
Response handler for API errors.
Exception with a predefined error code.
ApplicationListener that binds the ApplicationContext to the Hawaii ApplicationContextHolder.
Base class for JDBC repositories.
Placeholder exception for data not found.
Method interceptor for data sources.
Bean post processor.
Configuration for the datasource proxy.
Factory to create a datasource proxy with listeners.
Default implementation of ExceptionResponseFactory.
A few default implementations for the NullListConversionStrategy.
This enricher copies the error message from the exception onto the error response resource.
This interface defines a way to enrich the error response with values applicable to the given situation.
This class represents the body of an error response.
This enricher copies the http status value and text onto the error response resource.
Factory to create the right type of response resource for an exception.
Reject a field based on a few conditions.
Guard that only one Invocable is active at one point in time.
Default implementation of GuardedMethodInvoker.
This class creates proper HTTP response bodies for exceptions.
Implementation of Jasypt's StringEncryptor interface.
This class provides a application wide Clock reference to instantiate new java.time date and time objects.
Hawaii String Encryptor with Url safe base64 encoding.
Utility class to encode and decode hex strings.
Utility class to get host related information.
Interface to allow wrapping of a void-returning call.
Validate a bean with jakarta validations (JSR-303).
This enricher adds validation errors to the error response resource.
Response resource for validation errors.
Converter interface for converting between two types.
Strategy how to handle null values in lists to be converted.
An Ordered version of QueryExecutionListener.
This enricher copies information from the original web request onto the error response resource.
Simple implementation of SqlQueryResolver resolving sql queries using Spring's generic ResourceLoader mechanism.
Utility to extract null values from a result set.
Interface to allow wrapping of a returning call.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can resolve sql queries by name.
A SqlQueryResolver that delegates to others.
A stacked HashMap implementation.
Config class to set up the StringEncryptor for encrypted properties.
A Tuple.
A Tuple of 1 element.
A Tuple of 10 elements.
A Tuple of 2 elements.
A Tuple of 3 elements.
A Tuple of 4 elements.
A Tuple of 5 elements.
A Tuple of 6 elements.
A Tuple of 7 elements.
A Tuple of 8 elements.
A Tuple of 9 elements.
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return Tuples.
Exception thrown when the requested resource is not available for the user performing the request.
Encapsulates a validation error.
This enricher adds validation errors to the error response resource.
Response resource for validation errors.
Stores validation errors for a specific object.
A validator for validating application-specific objects.
Class that represents a void method invocation result.