Class AbstractCachingSqlQueryResolver.QueryHolder

Enclosing class:

protected static class AbstractCachingSqlQueryResolver.QueryHolder extends Object
QueryHolder for caching. Stores the timestamp of the last refresh (updated every time the query is refreshed) as well as the query timestamp. Whether or not the latter is only meaningful depends on the way the query is loaded. For example, loading a query as a resource from the classpath will not result in any meaningful timestamp, whereas loading it from the file system will.
  • Constructor Details

    • QueryHolder

      protected QueryHolder()
  • Method Details

    • getSqlQuery

      public String getSqlQuery()
    • setSqlQuery

      public void setSqlQuery(String sqlQuery)
    • getRefreshTimestamp

      public long getRefreshTimestamp()
    • setRefreshTimestamp

      public void setRefreshTimestamp(long refreshTimestamp)
    • getQueryTimestamp

      public long getQueryTimestamp()
    • setQueryTimestamp

      public void setQueryTimestamp(long queryTimestamp)