Interface SqlClientPoolConfiguration

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      io.vertx.sqlclient.SqlConnectOptions connectOptions​( uri)
      The SqlConnectOptions used to configure the Pool
      io.vertx.sqlclient.PoolOptions poolOptions()
      The PoolOptions used to configure the Pool
    • Method Detail

      • poolOptions

        io.vertx.sqlclient.PoolOptions poolOptions()
        The PoolOptions used to configure the Pool
      • connectOptions

        io.vertx.sqlclient.SqlConnectOptions connectOptions​( uri)
        The SqlConnectOptions used to configure the Pool
        uri - A URI representing the JDBC URL or connection URI specified in the configuration properties, usually via JdbcSettings.JPA_JDBC_URL, or null if not specified.