Annotation Type AnyMetaDef

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String idType
      Names the identifier Hibernate Type for the entity associated through this Any/ManyToAny mapping.
      String metaType
      Names the discriminator Hibernate Type for this Any/ManyToAny mapping.
      MetaValue[] metaValues
      Maps discriminator values to the matching corresponding entity types.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String name
      If defined, assign a global meta definition name to be used in an @Any or @ManyToAny annotation.
    • Element Detail

      • metaType

        String metaType
        Names the discriminator Hibernate Type for this Any/ManyToAny mapping. The default is to use StringType
      • idType

        String idType
        Names the identifier Hibernate Type for the entity associated through this Any/ManyToAny mapping.
      • metaValues

        MetaValue[] metaValues
        Maps discriminator values to the matching corresponding entity types.
      • name

        String name
        If defined, assign a global meta definition name to be used in an @Any or @ManyToAny annotation. If not defined, the metadata applies to the current property or field.