Class AbstractAnsiTrimEmulationFunction

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAnsiTrimEmulationFunction

        public AbstractAnsiTrimEmulationFunction()
    • Method Detail

      • hasArguments

        public final boolean hasArguments()
        Description copied from interface: SQLFunction
        Does this function have any arguments?
        Specified by:
        hasArguments in interface SQLFunction
        True if the function expects to have parameters; false otherwise.
      • hasParenthesesIfNoArguments

        public final boolean hasParenthesesIfNoArguments()
        Description copied from interface: SQLFunction
        If there are no arguments, are parentheses required?
        Specified by:
        hasParenthesesIfNoArguments in interface SQLFunction
        True if a no-arg call of this function requires parentheses.
      • resolveBothSpaceTrimFunction

        protected abstract SQLFunction resolveBothSpaceTrimFunction()
        Resolve the function definition which should be used to trim both leading and trailing spaces.

        In this form, the imput arguments is missing the FROM keyword.

        The sql function
      • resolveLeadingSpaceTrimFunction

        protected abstract SQLFunction resolveLeadingSpaceTrimFunction()
        Resolve the function definition which should be used to trim leading spaces.
        The sql function
      • resolveTrailingSpaceTrimFunction

        protected abstract SQLFunction resolveTrailingSpaceTrimFunction()
        Resolve the function definition which should be used to trim trailing spaces.
        The sql function
      • resolveBothTrimFunction

        protected abstract SQLFunction resolveBothTrimFunction()
        Resolve the function definition which should be used to trim the specified character from both the beginning (leading) and end (trailing) of the trim source.
        The sql function
      • resolveLeadingTrimFunction

        protected abstract SQLFunction resolveLeadingTrimFunction()
        Resolve the function definition which should be used to trim the specified character from the beginning (leading) of the trim source.
        The sql function
      • resolveTrailingTrimFunction

        protected abstract SQLFunction resolveTrailingTrimFunction()
        Resolve the function definition which should be used to trim the specified character from the end (trailing) of the trim source.
        The sql function