Class CascadingActions.BaseCascadingAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseCascadingAction

        public BaseCascadingAction()
    • Method Detail

      • requiresNoCascadeChecking

        public boolean requiresNoCascadeChecking()
        Description copied from interface: CascadingAction
        Does the specified cascading action require verification of no cascade validity?
        Specified by:
        requiresNoCascadeChecking in interface CascadingAction
        True if this action requires no-cascade verification; false otherwise.
      • noCascade

        public void noCascade​(EventSource session,
                              Object parent,
                              EntityPersister persister,
                              Type propertyType,
                              int propertyIndex)
        Description copied from interface: CascadingAction
        Called (in the case of CascadingAction.requiresNoCascadeChecking() returning true) to validate that no cascade on the given property is considered a valid semantic.
        Specified by:
        noCascade in interface CascadingAction
        session - The session witin which the cascade is occurring.
        parent - The property value owner
        persister - The entity persister for the owner
        propertyType - The property type
        propertyIndex - The index of the property within the owner.
      • performOnLazyProperty

        public boolean performOnLazyProperty()
        Description copied from interface: CascadingAction
        Should this action be performed (or noCascade consulted) in the case of lazy properties.
        Specified by:
        performOnLazyProperty in interface CascadingAction