Class SQLExceptionConverterFactory

  • public class SQLExceptionConverterFactory
    extends Object
    A factory for building SQLExceptionConverter instances.
    • Method Detail

      • buildSQLExceptionConverter

        public static SQLExceptionConverter buildSQLExceptionConverter​(Dialect dialect,
                                                                       Properties properties)
                                                                throws HibernateException
        Build a SQLExceptionConverter instance.

        First, looks for a AvailableSettings.SQL_EXCEPTION_CONVERTER property to see if the configuration specified the class of a specific converter to use. If this property is set, attempt to construct an instance of that class. If not set, or if construction fails, the converter specific to the dialect will be used.

        dialect - The defined dialect.
        properties - The configuration properties.
        An appropriate SQLExceptionConverter instance.
        HibernateException - There was an error building the SQLExceptionConverter.
      • buildMinimalSQLExceptionConverter

        public static SQLExceptionConverter buildMinimalSQLExceptionConverter()
        Builds a minimal converter. The instance returned here just always converts to GenericJDBCException.
        The minimal converter.