Interface MultiTableBulkIdStrategy

    • Method Detail

      • prepare

        void prepare​(JdbcServices jdbcServices,
                     JdbcConnectionAccess connectionAccess,
                     MetadataImplementor metadata,
                     SessionFactoryOptions sessionFactoryOptions)
        Prepare the strategy. Called as the SessionFactory is being built. Intended patterns here include:
        • Adding tables to the passed Mappings, to be picked by by "schema management tools"
        • Manually creating the tables immediately through the passed JDBC Connection access
        jdbcServices - The JdbcService object
        connectionAccess - Access to the JDBC Connection
        metadata - Access to the O/RM mapping information
        sessionFactoryOptions -
      • release

        void release​(JdbcServices jdbcServices,
                     JdbcConnectionAccess connectionAccess)
        Release the strategy. Called as the SessionFactory is being shut down.
        jdbcServices - The JdbcService object
        connectionAccess - Access to the JDBC Connection
      • buildUpdateHandler

        MultiTableBulkIdStrategy.UpdateHandler buildUpdateHandler​(SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
                                                                  org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.HqlSqlWalker walker)
        Build a handler capable of handling the bulk update indicated by the given walker.
        factory - The SessionFactory
        walker - The AST walker, representing the update query
        The handler
      • buildDeleteHandler

        MultiTableBulkIdStrategy.DeleteHandler buildDeleteHandler​(SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
                                                                  org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.HqlSqlWalker walker)
        Build a handler capable of handling the bulk delete indicated by the given walker.
        factory - The SessionFactory
        walker - The AST walker, representing the delete query
        The handler