Interface AuxiliaryDatabaseObject

  • All Superinterfaces:
    RelationalModel, Serializable

    public interface AuxiliaryDatabaseObject
    extends RelationalModel, Serializable
    Auxiliary database objects (i.e., triggers, stored procedures, etc) defined in the mappings. Allows Hibernate to manage their lifecycle as part of creating/dropping the schema.
    • Method Detail

      • addDialectScope

        void addDialectScope​(String dialectName)
        Add the given dialect name to the scope of dialects to which this database object applies.
        dialectName - The name of a dialect.
      • appliesToDialect

        boolean appliesToDialect​(Dialect dialect)
        Does this database object apply to the given dialect?
        dialect - The dialect to check against.
        True if this database object does apply to the given dialect.