Interface ProxyConfiguration

  • public interface ProxyConfiguration
    A proxy configuration allows the definition of an interceptor object that decides on the behavior of a proxy. This interface is meant for internal use but is in a public package in order to provide code generation.

    While this interface depends on Byte Buddy types, this is only true for annotation types which are silently suppressed by the runtime if they are not available on a class loader. This allows using this interceptor and configuration with for example OSGi without any export of Byte Buddy when using Hibernate.

    • Field Detail


        static final String INTERCEPTOR_FIELD_NAME
        The canonical field name for an interceptor object stored in a proxied object.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • $$_hibernate_set_interceptor

        void $$_hibernate_set_interceptor​(ProxyConfiguration.Interceptor interceptor)
        Defines an interceptor object that specifies the behavior of the proxy object.
        interceptor - The interceptor object.