Class CacheJoinFragment

  • public class CacheJoinFragment
    extends ANSIJoinFragment
    A Caché dialect join. Differs from ANSI only in that full outer join is not supported.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CacheJoinFragment

        public CacheJoinFragment()
    • Method Detail

      • addJoin

        public void addJoin​(String rhsTableName,
                            String rhsAlias,
                            String[] lhsColumns,
                            String[] rhsColumns,
                            JoinType joinType,
                            String on)
        Description copied from class: ANSIJoinFragment
        Adds a join, represented by the given information, to the fragment.
        addJoin in class ANSIJoinFragment
        rhsTableName - The name of the table being joined (the RHS table).
        rhsAlias - The alias applied to the table being joined (the alias for the RHS table).
        lhsColumns - The columns (from the table being joined) used to define the join-restriction (the ON). These are the LHS columns, and are expected to be qualified.
        rhsColumns - The columns (from the table being joined to) used to define the join-restriction (the ON). These are the RHS columns and are expected to *not* be qualified.
        joinType - The type of join to produce (INNER, etc).
        on - Any extra join restrictions