Class OrderedSetType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, AssociationType, Type

    public class OrderedSetType
    extends SetType
    A specialization of the set type, with (resultset-based) ordering.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • OrderedSetType

        public OrderedSetType​(TypeFactory.TypeScope typeScope,
                              java.lang.String role,
                              java.lang.String propertyRef)
    • Method Detail

      • instantiate

        public java.lang.Object instantiate​(int anticipatedSize)
        Description copied from class: CollectionType
        Instantiate an empty instance of the "underlying" collection (not a wrapper), but with the given anticipated size (i.e. accounting for initial capacity and perhaps load factor).
        instantiate in class SetType
        anticipatedSize - The anticipated size of the instaniated collection after we are done populating it.
        A newly instantiated collection to be wrapped.