Class CollectionReturn

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CollectionReturn
    extends NonScalarReturn
    Represents a return which names a collection role; it is used in defining a custom query for loading an entity's collection in non-fetching scenarios (i.e., loading the collection itself as the "root" of the result).
    • Constructor Detail

      • CollectionReturn

        public CollectionReturn​(java.lang.String alias,
                                java.lang.String ownerEntityName,
                                java.lang.String ownerProperty,
                                CollectionAliases collectionAliases,
                                EntityAliases elementEntityAliases,
                                LockMode lockMode)
    • Method Detail

      • getOwnerEntityName

        public java.lang.String getOwnerEntityName()
        Returns the class owning the collection.
        The class owning the collection.
      • getOwnerProperty

        public java.lang.String getOwnerProperty()
        Returns the name of the property representing the collection from the getOwnerEntityName().
        The name of the property representing the collection on the owner class.
      • getElementEntityAliases

        public EntityAliases getElementEntityAliases()