Package org.hibernate

Class Hibernate

  • public final class Hibernate
    extends Object
    • Provides access to the full range of Hibernate built-in types. Type instances may be used to bind values to query parameters.
    • A factory for new Blobs and Clobs.
    • Defines static methods for manipulation of proxies.
    See Also:
    Clob, Blob, Type
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public static void initialize​(Object proxy)
                               throws HibernateException
        Force initialization of a proxy or persistent collection.

        Note: This only ensures initialization of a proxy object or collection; it is not guaranteed that the elements INSIDE the collection will be initialized/materialized.

        proxy - a persistable object, proxy, persistent collection or null
        HibernateException - if we can't initialize the proxy at this time, eg. the Session was closed
      • isInitialized

        public static boolean isInitialized​(Object proxy)
        Check if the proxy or persistent collection is initialized.
        proxy - a persistable object, proxy, persistent collection or null
        true if the argument is already initialized, or is not a proxy or collection
      • getClass

        public static Class getClass​(Object proxy)
        Get the true, underlying class of a proxied persistent class. This operation will initialize a proxy by side-effect.
        proxy - a persistable object or proxy
        the true class of the instance
      • getLobCreator

        public static LobCreator getLobCreator​(Session session)
        Obtain a lob creator for the given session.
        session - The session for which to obtain a lob creator
        The log creator reference
      • getLobCreator

        public static LobCreator getLobCreator​(SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
        Obtain a lob creator for the given session.
        session - The session for which to obtain a lob creator
        The log creator reference
      • getLobCreator

        public static LobCreator getLobCreator​(SessionImplementor session)
        Obtain a lob creator for the given session.
        session - The session for which to obtain a lob creator
        The log creator reference
      • isPropertyInitialized

        public static boolean isPropertyInitialized​(Object proxy,
                                                    String propertyName)
        Check if the property is initialized. If the named property does not exist or is not persistent, this method always returns true.
        proxy - The potential proxy
        propertyName - the name of a persistent attribute of the object
        true if the named property of the object is not listed as uninitialized; false otherwise
      • unproxy

        public static Object unproxy​(Object proxy)
        Unproxies a HibernateProxy. If the proxy is uninitialized, it automatically triggers an initialization. In case the supplied object is null or not a proxy, the object will be returned as-is.
        proxy - the HibernateProxy to be unproxied
        the proxy's underlying implementation object, or the supplied object otherwise
      • unproxy

        public static <T> T unproxy​(T proxy,
                                    Class<T> entityClass)
        Unproxies a HibernateProxy. If the proxy is uninitialized, it automatically triggers an initialization. In case the supplied object is null or not a proxy, the object will be returned as-is.
        proxy - the HibernateProxy to be unproxied
        entityClass - the entity type
        the proxy's underlying implementation object, or the supplied object otherwise