Class AbstractScannerImpl.ArchiveContextImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ArchiveContextImpl

        public ArchiveContextImpl​(boolean isRootUrl,
                                  org.hibernate.boot.archive.scan.internal.ScanResultCollector scanResultCollector)
    • Method Detail

      • isRootUrl

        public boolean isRootUrl()
        Description copied from interface: ArchiveContext
        Is the archive described (and being visited) the root url for the persistence-unit?
        Specified by:
        isRootUrl in interface ArchiveContext
        true if it is the root url
      • obtainArchiveEntryHandler

        public ArchiveEntryHandler obtainArchiveEntryHandler​(ArchiveEntry entry)
        Description copied from interface: ArchiveContext
        Get the handler for the given entry, which generally is indicated by the entry type (a .class file, a mapping file, etc).
        Specified by:
        obtainArchiveEntryHandler in interface ArchiveContext
        entry - The archive entry
        The appropriate handler for the entry