Class EJB3NamingStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • EJB3NamingStrategy

        public EJB3NamingStrategy()
    • Method Detail

      • classToTableName

        public String classToTableName​(String className)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Return a table name for an entity class
        Specified by:
        classToTableName in interface NamingStrategy
        className - the fully-qualified class name
        a table name
      • propertyToColumnName

        public String propertyToColumnName​(String propertyName)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Return a column name for a property path expression
        Specified by:
        propertyToColumnName in interface NamingStrategy
        propertyName - a property path
        a column name
      • tableName

        public String tableName​(String tableName)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Alter the table name given in the mapping document
        Specified by:
        tableName in interface NamingStrategy
        tableName - a table name
        a table name
      • columnName

        public String columnName​(String columnName)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Alter the column name given in the mapping document
        Specified by:
        columnName in interface NamingStrategy
        columnName - a column name
        a column name
      • collectionTableName

        public String collectionTableName​(String ownerEntity,
                                          String ownerEntityTable,
                                          String associatedEntity,
                                          String associatedEntityTable,
                                          String propertyName)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Return a collection table name ie an association having a join table
        Specified by:
        collectionTableName in interface NamingStrategy
        ownerEntityTable - owner side table name
        associatedEntityTable - reverse side table name if any
        propertyName - collection role
      • joinKeyColumnName

        public String joinKeyColumnName​(String joinedColumn,
                                        String joinedTable)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Return the join key column name ie a FK column used in a JOINED strategy or for a secondary table
        Specified by:
        joinKeyColumnName in interface NamingStrategy
        joinedColumn - joined column name (logical one) used to join with
        joinedTable - joined table name (ie the referenced table) used to join with
      • foreignKeyColumnName

        public String foreignKeyColumnName​(String propertyName,
                                           String propertyEntityName,
                                           String propertyTableName,
                                           String referencedColumnName)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Return the foreign key column name for the given parameters
        Specified by:
        foreignKeyColumnName in interface NamingStrategy
        propertyName - the property name involved
        propertyTableName - the property table name involved (logical one)
        referencedColumnName - the referenced column name involved (logical one)
      • logicalColumnName

        public String logicalColumnName​(String columnName,
                                        String propertyName)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Return the logical column name used to refer to a column in the metadata (like index, unique constraints etc) A full bijection is required between logicalNames and physical ones logicalName have to be case insensitively unique for a given table
        Specified by:
        logicalColumnName in interface NamingStrategy
        columnName - given column name if any
        propertyName - property name of this column
      • logicalCollectionTableName

        public String logicalCollectionTableName​(String tableName,
                                                 String ownerEntityTable,
                                                 String associatedEntityTable,
                                                 String propertyName)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Returns the logical collection table name used to refer to a table in the mapping metadata
        Specified by:
        logicalCollectionTableName in interface NamingStrategy
        tableName - the metadata explicit name
        ownerEntityTable - owner table entity table name (logical one)
        associatedEntityTable - reverse side table name if any (logical one)
        propertyName - collection role
      • logicalCollectionColumnName

        public String logicalCollectionColumnName​(String columnName,
                                                  String propertyName,
                                                  String referencedColumn)
        Description copied from interface: NamingStrategy
        Returns the logical foreign key column name used to refer to this column in the mapping metadata
        Specified by:
        logicalCollectionColumnName in interface NamingStrategy
        columnName - given column name in the metadata if any
        propertyName - property name
        referencedColumn - referenced column name (logical one) in the join