Class VarArgsSQLFunction

    • Constructor Detail

      • VarArgsSQLFunction

        public VarArgsSQLFunction​(Type registeredType,
                                  String begin,
                                  String sep,
                                  String end)
        Constructs a VarArgsSQLFunction instance with a 'static' return type. An example of a 'static' return type would be something like an UPPER function which is always returning a SQL VARCHAR and thus a string type.
        registeredType - The return type.
        begin - The beginning of the function templating.
        sep - The separator for each individual function argument.
        end - The end of the function templating.
      • VarArgsSQLFunction

        public VarArgsSQLFunction​(String begin,
                                  String sep,
                                  String end)
        Constructs a VarArgsSQLFunction instance with a 'dynamic' return type. For a dynamic return type, the type of the arguments are used to resolve the type. An example of a function with a 'dynamic' return would be MAX or MIN which return a double or an integer etc based on the types of the arguments.
        begin - The beginning of the function templating.
        sep - The separator for each individual function argument.
        end - The end of the function templating.
        See Also:
        Specifically, the 'firstArgumentType' argument is the 'dynamic' type.