Interface PersistenceContext.NaturalIdHelper

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface PersistenceContext.NaturalIdHelper
    Provides centralized access to natural-id-related functionality.
    • Field Detail


        static final Serializable INVALID_NATURAL_ID_REFERENCE
    • Method Detail

      • extractNaturalIdValues

        Object[] extractNaturalIdValues​(Object[] state,
                                        EntityPersister persister)
        Given an array of "full entity state", extract the portions that represent the natural id
        state - The attribute state array
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        The extracted natural id values
      • extractNaturalIdValues

        Object[] extractNaturalIdValues​(Object entity,
                                        EntityPersister persister)
        Given an entity instance, extract the values that represent the natural id
        entity - The entity instance
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        The extracted natural id values
      • cacheNaturalIdCrossReferenceFromLoad

        void cacheNaturalIdCrossReferenceFromLoad​(EntityPersister persister,
                                                  Serializable id,
                                                  Object[] naturalIdValues)
        Performs processing related to creating natural-id cross-reference entries on load. Handles both the local (transactional) and shared (second-level) caches.
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        id - The primary key value
        naturalIdValues - The natural id values
      • manageLocalNaturalIdCrossReference

        void manageLocalNaturalIdCrossReference​(EntityPersister persister,
                                                Serializable id,
                                                Object[] state,
                                                Object[] previousState,
                                                CachedNaturalIdValueSource source)
        Creates necessary local cross-reference entries.
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        id - The primary key value
        state - Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array
        previousState - Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array. Specifically represents the previous values on update, and so is only used with CachedNaturalIdValueSource.UPDATE
        source - Enumeration representing how these values are coming into cache.
      • removeLocalNaturalIdCrossReference

        Object[] removeLocalNaturalIdCrossReference​(EntityPersister persister,
                                                    Serializable id,
                                                    Object[] state)
        Cleans up local cross-reference entries.
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        id - The primary key value
        state - Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array
        The local cached natural id values (could be different from given values).
      • manageSharedNaturalIdCrossReference

        void manageSharedNaturalIdCrossReference​(EntityPersister persister,
                                                 Serializable id,
                                                 Object[] state,
                                                 Object[] previousState,
                                                 CachedNaturalIdValueSource source)
        Creates necessary shared (second level cache) cross-reference entries.
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        id - The primary key value
        state - Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array
        previousState - Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array. Specifically represents the previous values on update, and so is only used with CachedNaturalIdValueSource.UPDATE
        source - Enumeration representing how these values are coming into cache.
      • removeSharedNaturalIdCrossReference

        void removeSharedNaturalIdCrossReference​(EntityPersister persister,
                                                 Serializable id,
                                                 Object[] naturalIdValues)
        Cleans up local cross-reference entries.
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        id - The primary key value
        naturalIdValues - The natural id values array
      • findCachedNaturalId

        Object[] findCachedNaturalId​(EntityPersister persister,
                                     Serializable pk)
        Given a persister and primary key, find the corresponding cross-referenced natural id values.
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        pk - The primary key value
        The cross-referenced natural-id values, or null
      • findCachedNaturalIdResolution

        Serializable findCachedNaturalIdResolution​(EntityPersister persister,
                                                   Object[] naturalIdValues)
        Given a persister and natural-id values, find the corresponding cross-referenced primary key. Will return INVALID_NATURAL_ID_REFERENCE if the given natural ids are known to be invalid.
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        naturalIdValues - The natural id value(s)
        The corresponding cross-referenced primary key, INVALID_NATURAL_ID_REFERENCE, or null.
      • getCachedPkResolutions

        Collection<Serializable> getCachedPkResolutions​(EntityPersister persister)
        Find all the locally cached primary key cross-reference entries for the given persister.
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        The primary keys
      • handleSynchronization

        void handleSynchronization​(EntityPersister persister,
                                   Serializable pk,
                                   Object entity)
        Part of the "load synchronization process". Responsible for maintaining cross-reference entries when natural-id values were found to have changed. Also responsible for tracking the old values as no longer valid until the next flush because otherwise going to the database would just re-pull the old values as valid. In this last responsibility, cleanupFromSynchronizations() is the inverse process called after flush to clean up those entries.
        persister - The persister representing the entity type.
        pk - The primary key
        entity - The entity instance
        See Also: