Interface Join

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface Join
    Represents a join in the QuerySpace-sense. In HQL/JP-QL, this would be an implicit/explicit join; in metamodel-driven LoadPlans, this would be joins indicated by the metamodel.
    • Method Detail

      • getLeftHandSide

        QuerySpace getLeftHandSide()
        Get the QuerySpace from the left-hand-side of the join.
        the query space from the left-hand-side of the join.
      • getRightHandSide

        QuerySpace getRightHandSide()
        Get the QuerySpace from the right-hand-side of the join.
        the query space from the right-hand-side of the join.
      • isRightHandSideRequired

        boolean isRightHandSideRequired()
        Indicates if the joined attribute is required to be non-null.
        true, if the joined attribute is required to be non-null; false, otherwise.
      • resolveAliasedLeftHandSideJoinConditionColumns

        String[] resolveAliasedLeftHandSideJoinConditionColumns​(String leftHandSideTableAlias)
        Resolves the column names prefixed by the specified alias on the left-hand-side of the join.
        leftHandSideTableAlias - The table alias used to prefix the columns.
        the aliased columns on the left-hand-side of the join.
      • resolveNonAliasedRightHandSideJoinConditionColumns

        String[] resolveNonAliasedRightHandSideJoinConditionColumns()
        Resolves the raw (unaliased) column names on the right-hand-side of the join.
        the columns on the right-hand-side of the join.
      • getAnyAdditionalJoinConditions

        String getAnyAdditionalJoinConditions​(String rhsTableAlias)
        Gets any additional conditions on the right-hand-side of the join using the specified table alias.
        rhsTableAlias - The table alias.
        additional conditions on the right-hand-side of the join.