Interface OuterJoinLoadable

    • Method Detail

      • selectFragment

        String selectFragment​(String alias,
                              String suffix)
        Generate a list of collection index, key and element columns
      • countSubclassProperties

        int countSubclassProperties()
        How many properties are there, for this class and all subclasses?
      • getFetchMode

        FetchMode getFetchMode​(int i)
        May this (subclass closure) property be fetched using an SQL outerjoin?
      • getCascadeStyle

        CascadeStyle getCascadeStyle​(int i)
        Get the cascade style of this (subclass closure) property
      • isDefinedOnSubclass

        boolean isDefinedOnSubclass​(int i)
        Is this property defined on a subclass of the mapped class.
      • getSubclassPropertyType

        Type getSubclassPropertyType​(int i)
        Get the type of the numbered property of the class or a subclass.
      • getSubclassPropertyName

        String getSubclassPropertyName​(int i)
        Get the name of the numbered property of the class or a subclass.
      • isSubclassPropertyNullable

        boolean isSubclassPropertyNullable​(int i)
        Is the numbered property of the class of subclass nullable?
      • getSubclassPropertyColumnNames

        String[] getSubclassPropertyColumnNames​(int i)
        Return the column names used to persist the numbered property of the class or a subclass.
      • getSubclassPropertyTableName

        String getSubclassPropertyTableName​(int i)
        Return the table name used to persist the numbered property of the class or a subclass.
      • toColumns

        String[] toColumns​(String name,
                           int i)
        Given the number of a property of a subclass, and a table alias, return the aliased column names.
      • fromTableFragment

        String fromTableFragment​(String alias)
        Get the main from table fragment, given a query alias.
      • getPropertyColumnNames

        String[] getPropertyColumnNames​(String propertyPath)
        Get the column names for the given property path
      • getPropertyTableName

        String getPropertyTableName​(String propertyName)
        Get the table name for the given property path