Class AliasedTupleSubsetResultTransformer

    • Constructor Detail

      • AliasedTupleSubsetResultTransformer

        public AliasedTupleSubsetResultTransformer()
    • Method Detail

      • includeInTransform

        public boolean[] includeInTransform​(String[] aliases,
                                            int tupleLength)
        Description copied from interface: TupleSubsetResultTransformer
        Returns an array with the i-th element indicating whether the i-th element of the tuple is included in the transformed value.
        Specified by:
        includeInTransform in interface TupleSubsetResultTransformer
        aliases - - the aliases that correspond to the tuple
        tupleLength - - the number of elements in the tuple
        array with the i-th element indicating whether the i-th element of the tuple is included in the transformed value.