Interface ResultTransformer

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.List transformList​(java.util.List collection)
      Here we have an opportunity to perform transformation on the query result as a whole.
      java.lang.Object transformTuple​(java.lang.Object[] tuple, java.lang.String[] aliases)
      Tuples are the elements making up each "row" of the query result.
    • Method Detail

      • transformTuple

        java.lang.Object transformTuple​(java.lang.Object[] tuple,
                                        java.lang.String[] aliases)
        Tuples are the elements making up each "row" of the query result. The contract here is to transform these elements into the final row.
        tuple - The result elements
        aliases - The result aliases ("parallel" array to tuple)
        The transformed row.
      • transformList

        java.util.List transformList​(java.util.List collection)
        Here we have an opportunity to perform transformation on the query result as a whole. This might be useful to convert from one collection type to another or to remove duplicates from the result, etc.
        collection - The result.
        The transformed result.