Class AuditEntity

  • public class AuditEntity
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static AuditCriterion and​(AuditCriterion lhs, AuditCriterion rhs)
      Return the conjuction of two criterions.
      static AuditConjunction conjunction()
      Group criterions together in a single conjunction (A and B and C...).
      static AuditDisjunction disjunction()
      Group criterions together in a single disjunction (A or B or C...).
      static AuditId id()  
      static AuditId id​(java.lang.String alias)  
      static AuditCriterion not​(AuditCriterion expression)
      Return the negation of a criterion.
      static AuditCriterion or​(AuditCriterion lhs, AuditCriterion rhs)
      Return the disjuction of two criterions.
      static AuditProperty<java.lang.Object> property​(java.lang.String propertyName)
      Create restrictions, projections and specify order for a property of an audited entity.
      static AuditProperty<java.lang.Object> property​(java.lang.String alias, java.lang.String propertyName)
      Create restrictions, projections and specify order for a property of an audited entity.
      static AuditRelatedId relatedId​(java.lang.String propertyName)
      Create restrictions on an id of a related entity.
      static AuditRelatedId relatedId​(java.lang.String alias, java.lang.String propertyName)
      Create restrictions on an id of a related entity.
      static AuditProperty<java.lang.Number> revisionNumber()
      Create restrictions, projections and specify order for the revision number, corresponding to an audited entity.
      static AuditProperty<java.lang.Number> revisionNumber​(java.lang.String alias)
      Create restrictions, projections and specify order for the revision number, corresponding to an audited entity.
      static AuditProperty<java.lang.Object> revisionProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)
      Create restrictions, projections and specify order for a property of the revision entity, corresponding to an audited entity.
      static AuditProperty<java.lang.Object> revisionProperty​(java.lang.String alias, java.lang.String propertyName)
      Create restrictions, projections and specify order for a property of the revision entity, corresponding to an audited entity.
      static AuditProperty<RevisionType> revisionType()
      Create restrictions, projections and specify order for the revision type, corresponding to an audited entity.
      static AuditProperty<RevisionType> revisionType​(java.lang.String alias)
      Create restrictions, projections and specify order for the revision type, corresponding to an audited entity.
      static AuditProjection selectEntity​(boolean distinct)
      Adds a projection to the current entity itself.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • id

        public static AuditId id​(java.lang.String alias)
      • property

        public static AuditProperty<java.lang.Object> property​(java.lang.String propertyName)
        Create restrictions, projections and specify order for a property of an audited entity.
        propertyName - Name of the property.
      • property

        public static AuditProperty<java.lang.Object> property​(java.lang.String alias,
                                                               java.lang.String propertyName)
        Create restrictions, projections and specify order for a property of an audited entity.
        alias - the alias of the entity which owns the property.
        propertyName - Name of the property.
      • revisionNumber

        public static AuditProperty<java.lang.Number> revisionNumber()
        Create restrictions, projections and specify order for the revision number, corresponding to an audited entity.
      • revisionNumber

        public static AuditProperty<java.lang.Number> revisionNumber​(java.lang.String alias)
        Create restrictions, projections and specify order for the revision number, corresponding to an audited entity.
        alias - the alias of the entity which owns the revision number.
      • revisionProperty

        public static AuditProperty<java.lang.Object> revisionProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)
        Create restrictions, projections and specify order for a property of the revision entity, corresponding to an audited entity.
        propertyName - Name of the property.
      • revisionProperty

        public static AuditProperty<java.lang.Object> revisionProperty​(java.lang.String alias,
                                                                       java.lang.String propertyName)
        Create restrictions, projections and specify order for a property of the revision entity, corresponding to an audited entity.
        alias - the alias of the entity which owns the revision property.
        propertyName - Name of the property.
      • revisionType

        public static AuditProperty<RevisionType> revisionType()
        Create restrictions, projections and specify order for the revision type, corresponding to an audited entity.
      • revisionType

        public static AuditProperty<RevisionType> revisionType​(java.lang.String alias)
        Create restrictions, projections and specify order for the revision type, corresponding to an audited entity.
        alias - the alias of the entity which owns the revision type.
      • relatedId

        public static AuditRelatedId relatedId​(java.lang.String propertyName)
        Create restrictions on an id of a related entity.
        propertyName - Name of the property, which is the relation.
      • relatedId

        public static AuditRelatedId relatedId​(java.lang.String alias,
                                               java.lang.String propertyName)
        Create restrictions on an id of a related entity.
        alias - the alias of the entity which owns the relation property.
        propertyName - Name of the property, which is the relation.
      • conjunction

        public static AuditConjunction conjunction()
        Group criterions together in a single conjunction (A and B and C...).
      • disjunction

        public static AuditDisjunction disjunction()
        Group criterions together in a single disjunction (A or B or C...).
      • selectEntity

        public static AuditProjection selectEntity​(boolean distinct)
        Adds a projection to the current entity itself. Useful for selecting entities which are reached through associations within the query.
        distinct - whether to distinct select the entity