
 Provides several HPCC Systems client libraries used to actuate a variety of actions on
 a target HPCC Systems instance.

 These clients abstract connectivity, soap, and proprietary web service details away from
 the caller. Allowing the caller to focus on higher level logic without the need to account
 for web service details and interface version changes.

 Each of the HPCC Systems web service clients expose specialized HPCC-centric actions, and the caller
 can choose to interact with individual clients directly, or can interact with the multi-purpose HPCCWsClient.
 The caller must provide connection information including target HPCC Systems address, ECLWatch port (typically 8010 or 18010),
 and user credentials.

 Create connection: connection = new Connection("http://myhpcc:8010");

 Provide HPCC Systems user credentials:
 connection.setCredentials(hpccUser, hpccPass);

 Get HPCCWsXYZClient:
 HPCCWsWorkUnitsClient mywswuclient = HPCCWsWorkUnitsClient.get(connection);

 Execute action of your choice: