Class HPCCWsClientPool

    • Field Detail


        public static final long DEFAULT_EXPIRE_MILLIS
        Constant DEFAULT_EXPIRE_MILLIS=60000
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • HPCCWsClientPool

        public HPCCWsClientPool​(String protocol,
                                String targetWsECLWatchAddress,
                                String targetWsECLWatchPort,
                                String user,
                                String password,
                                long timeout)
        Instantiates a new HPCC ws client pool.
        protocol - the protocol
        targetWsECLWatchAddress - the target ws ECL watch address
        targetWsECLWatchPort - the target ws ECL watch port
        user - the user
        password - the password
        timeout - the timeout
      • HPCCWsClientPool

        public HPCCWsClientPool​(String protocol,
                                String targetWsECLWatchAddress,
                                String targetWsECLWatchPort,
                                String user,
                                String password)
        Instantiates a new HPCC ws client pool.
        protocol - the protocol
        targetWsECLWatchAddress - the target ws ECL watch address
        targetWsECLWatchPort - the target ws ECL watch port
        user - the user
        password - the password
      • HPCCWsClientPool

        public HPCCWsClientPool​(Connection connection)
        Instantiates a new HPCC ws client pool.
        connection - the connection
      • HPCCWsClientPool

        public HPCCWsClientPool​(Connection connection,
                                long timeout)
        Instantiates a new HPCC ws client pool.
        connection - the connection
        timeout - the timeout