

package pipeline

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Head[O] extends Stage

  2. trait HeadStage[O] extends Head[O]

  3. final class LeafBuilder[I] extends AnyRef

    By requiring a LeafBuilder, you are ensuring that the pipeline is capped with a TailStage as the only way to get a LeafBuilder if by capping with a TailStage or getting a new LeafBuilder from a TailStage

  4. trait MidStage[I, O] extends Tail[I] with Head[O]

  5. sealed trait Stage extends AnyRef

  6. sealed trait Tail[I] extends Stage

  7. trait TailStage[I] extends Tail[I]

    The three fundamental stage types

  8. final class TrunkBuilder[I1, O] extends AnyRef

    Facilitates starting a pipeline from a MidStage.

Value Members

  1. object Command

  2. object LeafBuilder

  3. object TrunkBuilder

  4. package stages
