

package http20

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. http20
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class ALPNHttp2Selector extends TailStage[ByteBuffer]

  2. class BasicHttpStage extends TailStage[Http2Msg[Headers]]

  3. abstract class DecodingFrameHandler extends FrameHandler

    A FrameHandler that decodes raw HEADERS, PUSH_PROMISE, and CONTINUATION frames from ByteBuffer packets to concrete collections of headers.

    A FrameHandler that decodes raw HEADERS, PUSH_PROMISE, and CONTINUATION frames from ByteBuffer packets to concrete collections of headers.

    Note:This class is not 'thread safe' and should be treated accordingly

  4. case class Error(err: Http2Exception) extends MaybeError with Product with Serializable

  5. class FlowWindow extends AnyRef

  6. trait FrameHandler extends AnyRef

  7. abstract class HeaderDecoder[To] extends AnyRef

    Abstract representation of a Headers builder

    Abstract representation of a Headers builder

    This is much like the scala collection Builders with the exception that we know things will come in pairs, but we don't know the exact structure of that pair.


    the result of this builder

  8. trait HeaderEncoder[T] extends AnyRef

    This needs to contain the state of the header Encoder

  9. trait HeaderHttp20Encoder extends AnyRef

  10. trait Http20FrameDecoder extends AnyRef

  11. trait Http20FrameEncoder extends AnyRef

  12. final case class Http2Exception(code: Int, name: String, stream: Option[Int], fatal: Boolean)(msg: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  13. sealed trait Http2Result extends AnyRef

    Result type of many of the codec methods

  14. class Http2Stage[T] extends TailStage[ByteBuffer] with WriteSerializer[ByteBuffer] with Http2StageConcurrentOps[T]

  15. sealed trait MaybeError extends Http2Result

    Represents the possibility of failure

  16. case class Priority(dependentStreamId: Int, exclusive: Boolean, priority: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    object representing the contents of a PRIORITY frame

    object representing the contents of a PRIORITY frame

    This is also used for the HEADERS frame which is logically a series of headers with a possible PRIORITY frame

  17. final class Settings extends AnyRef

  18. final class TupleHeaderDecoder extends HeaderDecoder[Seq[(String, String)]]

    HeaderDecoder that results in a Seq[(String, String)]

  19. final class TupleHeaderEncoder extends HeaderEncoder[Seq[(String, String)]]

    Simple Headers type for use in blaze and testing

Value Members

  1. object ALPNHttp2Selector

  2. object BufferUnderflow extends Http2Result with Product with Serializable

  3. object Continue extends MaybeError with Product with Serializable

  4. object Halt extends Http2Result with Product with Serializable

  5. object Http2Exception extends Serializable

  6. object NodeMsg

    Types that will be sent down to the Nodes of the Http20HubStage

  7. object ProtocolSelector

  8. object Settings

  9. object bits

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
