

package blaze

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BlazeClient extends PipelineBuilder with Client

    Base on which to implement a BlazeClient

  2. trait BlazeClientStage extends TailStage[ByteBuffer]

  3. abstract class Http1ClientReceiver extends Http1ClientParser with BlazeClientStage

  4. class Http1ClientStage extends Http1ClientReceiver with Http1Stage

  5. trait Http1SSLSupport extends Http1Support

  6. trait Http1Support extends PipelineBuilder

  7. trait PipelineBuilder extends AnyRef

  8. abstract class PooledClient extends BlazeClient

    Provides a foundation for pooling clients

  9. class PooledHttp1Client extends PooledClient with Http1SSLSupport

  10. abstract class SimpleHttp1Client extends BlazeClient with Http1Support with Http1SSLSupport

    A default implementation of the Blaze Asynchronous client for HTTP/1.x

Value Members

  1. object SimpleHttp1Client extends SimpleHttp1Client
