

package middleware

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class CORSConfig(anyOrigin: Boolean, allowCredentials: Boolean, maxAge: Long, anyMethod: Boolean = true, allowedOrigins: (String) ⇒ Boolean = ((x$1: String) => false), allowedMethods: Option[Set[String]] = scala.None, allowedHeaders: Option[Set[String]] = ..., exposedHeaders: Option[Set[String]] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    CORS middleware config options.

  2. final class CSRF extends AnyRef

    Middleware to avoid Cross-site request forgery attacks.

Value Members

  1. object AutoSlash

    Removes a trailing slash from Request path

  2. object CORS

  3. object CSRF

  4. object ChunkAggregator

  5. object DefaultHead

    Handles HEAD requests as a GET without a body.

  6. object EntityLimiter

  7. object GZip

  8. object Jsonp

    Middleware to support wrapping json responses in jsonp.

  9. object PushSupport

  10. object Timeout

  11. object URITranslation

  12. object UrlFormLifter

    Middleware for lifting application/x-www-form-urlencoded bodies into the request query params.

  13. object VirtualHost

    Middleware for virtual host mapping

  14. package authentication
