Package org.httprpc.sierra

package org.httprpc.sierra
Contains classes for simplifying development of Java Swing applications.
  • Class
    Shows indeterminate progress.
    Abstract base class for box panels.
    Arranges sub-components vertically in a column, pinning component edges to the container's leading and trailing insets.
    Text field that supports local date entry.
    Horizontal alignment options.
    Displays an image.
    Image scaling options.
    Abstract base class for layout panels.
    Displays a popup menu when pressed.
    Abstract base class for picker components.
    Arranges sub-components horizontally in a row, optionally pinning component edges to the container's top and bottom insets.
    Keyboard focus manager that automatically scrolls focused components into view.
    Provides space between components.
    Arranges sub-components by z-order, pinning component edges to the container's insets.
    Executes tasks in the background and notifies result handlers on the UI thread.
    Displays a string of text.
    Text field that supports local time entry.
    Provides static factory methods for declaratively constructing a component hierarchy.
    Provides a fluent API for configuring a sub-component.
    Vertical alignment options.