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addBlockAddedListener(BesuEvents.BlockAddedListener) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Add a listener watching for new blocks added.
addBlockPropagatedListener(BesuEvents.BlockPropagatedListener) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Add a listener watching new blocks propagated.
addBlockReorgListener(BesuEvents.BlockReorgListener) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Add a listener watching for new reorg blocks added.
AddedBlockContext - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
The minimum set of data for a AddedBlockContext.
addLogListener(List<Address>, List<List<Bytes32>>, BesuEvents.LogListener) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Add a listener that consumes every log (both added and removed) that matches the filter parameters when a new block is added to the blockchain.
addMetricCategory(MetricCategory) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.MetricCategoryRegistry
Registers a MetricCategory.
addPicoCLIOptions(String, Object) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.PicoCLIOptions
During the registration callback plugins can register CLI options that should be added to Besu's CLI startup.
Address - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
An interface for Bytes that also represents an Ethereum account address.
addSyncStatusListener(BesuEvents.SyncStatusListener) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Add a listener watching the synchronizer status.
addTransactionAddedListener(BesuEvents.TransactionAddedListener) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Add a listener watching new transactions added to the node.
addTransactionDroppedListener(BesuEvents.TransactionDroppedListener) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Add a listener watching dropped transactions.


BesuConfiguration - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
Generally useful configuration provided by Besu.
BesuContext - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin
Allows plugins to access Besu services.
BesuEvents - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
This service allows plugins to attach to various events during the normal operation of Besu.
BesuEvents.BlockAddedListener - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
The listener interface for receiving new block added events.
BesuEvents.BlockPropagatedListener - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
The listener interface for receiving new block propagated events.
BesuEvents.BlockReorgListener - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
The listener interface for receiving new block reorg events.
BesuEvents.LogListener - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
The listener interface for receiving log events.
BesuEvents.SyncStatusListener - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
The listener interface for receiving sync status events.
BesuEvents.TransactionAddedListener - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
The listener interface for receiving new transaction added events.
BesuEvents.TransactionDroppedListener - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
The listener interface for receiving transaction dropped events.
BesuPlugin - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin
Base interface for Besu plugins.
BlockBody - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
The parts of a Block not in the BlockHeader, information corresponding to the comprised transactions in BlockBody.getTransactions(), and a set of other block headers in BlockBody.getOmmers(), as defined in the Ethereum Yellow Paper.
BlockHeader - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
The minimum set of data for a BlockHeader, as defined in the Ethereum Yellow Paper.


clear() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorage
Deletes all keys and values from the storage.
close() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.OperationTimer.TimingContext
commit() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorageTransaction
Performs an atomic commit of all the operations queued in the transaction.
containsKey(byte[]) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorage
Whether the key-value storage contains the given key.
Counter - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics
A counter is a metric to track counts of events or running totals etc.
create(SegmentIdentifier, BesuConfiguration, MetricsSystem) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorageFactory
Creates a new key-value storage instance, appropriate for the given segment.
createCounter(MetricCategory, String, String) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.MetricsSystem
Creates a Counter.
createGauge(MetricCategory, String, String, DoubleSupplier) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.MetricsSystem
Creates a gauge for displaying double vales.
createIntegerGauge(MetricCategory, String, String, IntSupplier) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.MetricsSystem
Creates a gauge for displaying integer values.
createLabelledCounter(MetricCategory, String, String, String...) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.MetricsSystem
Creates a Counter with assigned labels.
createLabelledTimer(MetricCategory, String, String, String...) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.MetricsSystem
Creates a Timer with assigned labels.
createLongGauge(MetricCategory, String, String, LongSupplier) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.MetricsSystem
Creates a gauge for displaying long values.
createTimer(MetricCategory, String, String) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.MetricsSystem
Creates a Timer.


get(byte[]) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorage
Retrieves the value associated with a given key.
getAllKeysThat(Predicate<byte[]>) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorage
Performs an evaluation against each key in the store, returning the set of entries that pass.
getAllSegmentIdentifiers() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.StorageService
Retrieves the identifiers for the isolation segments that could be requested during operation.
getApplicationPrefix() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.MetricCategory
Gets the application-specific MetricCategory prefix.
getBaseFee() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
The BASEFEE of this header.
getBlockBody() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.AddedBlockContext
A BlockHeader object.
getBlockBody() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.PropagatedBlockContext
A BlockHeader object.
getBlockHash() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
The Keccak 256-bit hash of this header.
getBlockHash() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.LogWithMetadata
getBlockHeader() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.AddedBlockContext
A BlockHeader object.
getBlockHeader() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.PropagatedBlockContext
A BlockHeader object.
getBlockNumber() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.LogWithMetadata
getBloomFilter() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.TransactionReceipt
Returns the Bytes for the logs generated by the transaction
getByName(String) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.StorageService
Retrieves a registered factory corresponding to the supplied factory name
getChainId() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
The chainId, computed from the 'V' portion of the signature.
getCoinbase() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
The 160-bit address to which all fees collected from the successful mining of this block be transferred.
getCumulativeGasUsed() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.TransactionReceipt
Returns the total amount of gas consumed in the block after the transaction has been processed.
getCurrentBlock() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.SyncStatus
Get the height of the last block the synchronizer received
getData() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Log
The data, of possibly unlimited length, for this log entry.
getData() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.LogWithMetadata
The data, of possibly unlimited length, for this log entry.
getData() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
An unlimited size byte array specifying theinput data of the message call.
getDataPath() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuConfiguration
Location of the data directory in the file system running the client.
getDifficulty() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
A scalar value corresponding to the difficulty level of this block.
getExtraData() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
An arbitrary byte array containing data relevant to this block.
getFeeCap() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
A scalar value equal to the number of Wei to be paid in total, as specified in EIP-1559.
getGasLimit() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
A scalar value equal to the current limit of gas expenditure per block.
getGasLimit() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
A scalar value equal to the maximum amount of gas that should be used in executing this transaction.
getGasPremium() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
A scalar value equal to the number of Wei to be paid on top of base fee, as specified in EIP-1559.
getGasPrice() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
A scalar value equal to the number of Wei to be paid per unit of gas for all computation costs incurred as a result of the execution of this transaction.
getGasUsed() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
A scalar value equal to the total gas used in transactions in this block.
getHash() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
The Keccak 256-bit hash of this transaction.
getHighestBlock() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.SyncStatus
Get the height of the highest known block.
getId() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.SegmentIdentifier
Identifier for the segment consistent throughout the lifetime of the segment.
getInit() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
An unlimited size byte array specifying the EVM-code for the account // initialisation procedure.
getKnownStates() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.SyncStatus
KnownStates is the number of states the node knows of so far, or empty if this is not known or not relevant.
getLocalSignerAddress() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.query.PoaQueryService
Retrieves the signer Address of the local node.
getLogger() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Log
The address of the contract writing this log message.
getLogger() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.LogWithMetadata
The address of the contract writing this log message.
getLogIndex() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.LogWithMetadata
getLogs() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.TransactionReceipt
Returns the logs generated by the transaction.
getLogsBloom() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
The Bloom filter composed from indexable information (logger address and log topics) contained in each log entry from the receipt of each transaction in the transactions list.
getMixHash() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
A 256-bit hash which, combined with the nonce, proves that a sufficient amount of computation has been carried out on this block.
getName() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.BesuPlugin
Returns the name of the plugin.
getName() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.MetricCategory
Gets the name of this MetricCategory.
getName() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorageFactory
Retrieves the identity of the key-value storage factory.
getName() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.SegmentIdentifier
Name for the segment consistent throughout the lifetime of the segment.
getNonce() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
A 64-bit value which, combined with the mixhash, proves that a sufficient amount of computation has been carried out on this block.
getNonce() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
A scalar value equal to the number of transactions sent by the sender.
getNumber() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
A scalar value equal to the number of ancestor blocks.
getOmmers() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockBody
getOmmersHash() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
The Keccak 256-bit hash of the ommers list portion of this block.
getParentHash() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
The Keccak 256-bit hash of the parent block’s header, in its entirety.
getPayload() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
The data payload of this transaction.
getProposerOfBlock(BlockHeader) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.PoAMetricsService
Retrieves the Address for the proposer of a block on the canonical chain.
getProposerOfBlock(BlockHeader) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.query.PoaQueryService
Retrieves the Address for the proposer of a block on the canonical chain.
getPulledStates() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.SyncStatus
PulledStates is the number of state entries fetched so far, or empty if this is not known or not relevant.
getR() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
Value corresponding to the 'V' component of the signature of the transaction.
getReceiptsRoot() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
The Keccak 256-bit hash of the root node of the trie structure populated with the receipts of each transaction in the transactions list portion of the block.
getRevertReason() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.TransactionReceipt
Returns the ABI-encoded revert reason for the failed transaction (if applicable)
getRoundNumberFrom(BlockHeader) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.query.IbftQueryService
Extracts the round number from the supplied header and returns it to the caller.
getS() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
Value corresponding to the 'V' component of the signature of the transaction.
getSender() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
The 160-bit address of the account sending the transaction, extracted from the v, r, s parameters.
getService(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.BesuContext
Get the requested service, if it is available.
getSignersFrom(BlockHeader) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.query.IbftQueryService
Extracts the collection of signers from the supplied block header and returns them to the caller.
getStartingBlock() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.SyncStatus
Get the height of the block at which this synchronization attempt began.
getStateRoot() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
The Keccak 256-bit hash of the root node of the state trie, after all transactions are executed and finalisations applied.
getStatus() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.TransactionReceipt
Returns the status code for the status-encoded transaction receipt
getStoragePath() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuConfiguration
Location of the working directory of the storage in the file system running the client.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
A scalar value equal to the reasonable output of Unix’s time() at this block’s inception.
getTo() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
The 160-bit address of the message call’s recipient.
getTopics() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Log
The list of 32 byte log topics, possibly empty.
getTopics() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.LogWithMetadata
The list of 32 byte log topics, possibly empty.
getTotalDifficulty() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.PropagatedBlockContext
A scalar value corresponding to the total difficulty.
getTransactionHash() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.LogWithMetadata
getTransactionIndex() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.LogWithMetadata
getTransactionReceipts() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.AddedBlockContext
A list of transaction receipts for the added block.
getTransactions() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockBody
getTransactionsRoot() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.BlockHeader
The Keccak 256-bit hash of theroot node of the trie structure populated with each transaction in the transactions list portion of the block.
getV() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
Value corresponding to the 'V' component of the signature of the transaction.
getValidatorsForLatestBlock() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.PoAMetricsService
Retrieves the validators who have signed the latest block from the canonical chain.
getValidatorsForLatestBlock() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.query.PoaQueryService
Retrieves the validators specified in the latest block from the canonical chain.
getValue() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Quantity
Returns the numeric value of the quantity.
getValue() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
A scalar value equal to the number of Wei to be transferred to the message call’s recipient or, in the case of contract creation, as an endowment to the newly created account
getVersion() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.PrivacyKeyValueStorageFactory
Retrieves the version of the key-value storage factory.


Hash - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
A marker interface indicating that this Bytes32 represents a hash of some sort.


IbftQueryService - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.query
Allows for the IBFT 2.0 specific aspects of the block chain to be queried.
inc() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.Counter
Increment the counter by 1.
inc(long) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.Counter
Increment the counter by a specified amount.
isEIP1559Transaction() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
Returns whether or not the transaction is an EIP-1559 transaction.
isFrontierTransaction() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Transaction
Returns whether or not the transaction is a legacy transaction.
isRemoved() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.LogWithMetadata
isSegmentIsolationSupported() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorageFactory
Whether storage segment isolation is supported by the factory created instances.


KeyValueStorage - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage
Responsible for storing values against keys.
KeyValueStorageFactory - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage
Factory for creating key-value storage instances.
KeyValueStorageTransaction - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage
A transaction that can atomically commit a sequence of operations to a key-value store.


LabelledMetric<T> - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics
A metric with labels associated.
labels(String...) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.LabelledMetric
Returns a metric tagged with the specified label values.
Log - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
A Log entry from a transaction execution.
LogWithMetadata - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
A Log entry from a transaction execution.


MetricCategory - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics
A MetricCategory is used to group related metrics.
MetricCategoryRegistry - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics
Allow registration of MetricCategory instances so they are recognised by the metrics system and can be enabled.
MetricsSystem - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
An interface for creating various Metrics components.


onBlockAdded(AddedBlockContext) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents.BlockAddedListener
Invoked when a new block has been evaluated and validated.
onBlockPropagated(PropagatedBlockContext) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents.BlockPropagatedListener
Invoked when a new block header has been received and validated and is about to be sent out to other peers, but before the body of the block has been evaluated and validated.
onBlockReorg(AddedBlockContext) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents.BlockReorgListener
Invoked when a reorg block has been evaluated and validated.
onLogEmitted(LogWithMetadata) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents.LogListener
Invoked for each log (both added and removed) when a new block is added to the blockchain.
onSyncStatusChanged(Optional<SyncStatus>) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents.SyncStatusListener
Invoked when the synchronizer status changes
onTransactionAdded(Transaction) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents.TransactionAddedListener
Invoked when a new transaction has been added to the node.
onTransactionDropped(Transaction) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents.TransactionDroppedListener
Invoked when a transaction is dropped from the node.
OperationTimer - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics
A timer metric that records duration of operations for metrics purposes.
OperationTimer.TimingContext - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics
An interface for stopping the timer and returning elapsed time.
org.hyperledger.besu.plugin - package org.hyperledger.besu.plugin
org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data - package org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services - package org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.exception - package org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.exception
org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics - package org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics
org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.query - package org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.query
org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage - package org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage


PicoCLIOptions - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
A service that plugins can use to add CLI options and commands to the BesuCommand.
PoAMetricsService - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics
This interface has been replaced by PoaQueryService
PoaQueryService - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.query
Provides methods to query the status of a Proof of Authority (PoA) network.
PrivacyKeyValueStorageFactory - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage
PropagatedBlockContext - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
The minimum set of data for a PropagatedBlockContext.
put(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorageTransaction
Associates the specified value with the specified key.


Quantity - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
An interface to mark objects that also represents a disceete quantity, such as an unsigned integer value.


register(BesuContext) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.BesuPlugin
Called when the plugin is first registered with Besu.
registerKeyValueStorage(KeyValueStorageFactory) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.StorageService
Registers a factory as available for creating key-value storage instances.
reloadConfiguration() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.BesuPlugin
Called when the plugin is being reloaded.
remove(byte[]) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorageTransaction
When the given key is present, the key and mapped value will be removed from storage.
removeAllKeysUnless(Predicate<byte[]>) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorage
Performs an evaluation against each key in the store, keeping the entries that pass, removing those that fail.
removeBlockAddedListener(long) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Remove the block added listener from besu notifications.
removeBlockPropagatedListener(long) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Remove the blockAdded listener from besu notifications.
removeBlockReorgListener(long) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Remove the block reorg listener from besu notifications.
removeLogListener(long) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Remove the log listener with the associated id.
removeSyncStatusListener(long) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Remove the sync status listener from besu notifications.
removeTransactionAddedListener(long) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Remove the blockAdded listener from besu notifications.
removeTransactionDroppedListener(long) - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.BesuEvents
Remove the transactionDropped listener from besu notifications.
rollback() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorageTransaction
Reset the transaction to a state prior to any operations being queued.


SegmentIdentifier - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage
A namespace identifier for the storage instance segment, a grouping of data that should be kept isolated from the data of other segments.
start() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.BesuPlugin
Called once Besu has loaded configuration and is starting up.
startTimer() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.OperationTimer
Starts the timer.
startTransaction() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.storage.KeyValueStorage
Begins a fresh transaction, for sequencing operations for later atomic execution.
stop() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.BesuPlugin
Called when the plugin is being stopped.
stopTimer() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.metrics.OperationTimer.TimingContext
Stops the timer and returns the elapsed time.
StorageException - Exception in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.exception
Base exception class for problems encountered in the domain for storage.
StorageException(String) - Constructor for exception org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.exception.StorageException
Constructs a new storage exception with the specified detail message.
StorageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.exception.StorageException
Constructs a new storage exception with the specified detail message and cause.
StorageException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services.exception.StorageException
Constructs a new storage exception with the specified cause.
StorageService - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.services
This service allows plugins to register as an available storage engine.
SyncStatus - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data


toHexString() - Method in interface org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data.Quantity
Transaction - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
A transaction is a single cryptographically-signed instruction constructed by an actor externally to the scope of Ethereum.
TransactionReceipt - Interface in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin.data
A transaction receipt, containing information pertaining a transaction execution.


Unstable - Annotation Type in org.hyperledger.besu.plugin
This annotation is an indicator that the interface or method may evolve in a way that it not backwards compatible.
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