Interface PoaQueryService

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface PoaQueryService
    Provides methods to query the status of a Proof of Authority (PoA) network.
    • Method Detail

      • getValidatorsForLatestBlock

        java.util.Collection<Address> getValidatorsForLatestBlock()
        Retrieves the validators specified in the latest block from the canonical chain.
        Addresses of all validators in the latest canonical block.
      • getProposerOfBlock

        Address getProposerOfBlock​(BlockHeader header)
        Retrieves the Address for the proposer of a block on the canonical chain.
        header - The BlockHeader for which the proposer will be found.
        The identity of the proposer for the given block.
      • getLocalSignerAddress

        Address getLocalSignerAddress()
        Retrieves the signer Address of the local node. This is the address added to the BlockHeader to identify that a specific node was a validator during block creation.
        The signer Address of the local node.