Interface BftQueryService

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface BftQueryService
    extends PoaQueryService
    Allows for the BFT specific aspects of the block chain to be queried.
    • Method Detail

      • getRoundNumberFrom

        int getRoundNumberFrom​(BlockHeader header)
        Extracts the round number from the supplied header and returns it to the caller.
        header - the block header from which the round number is to be extracted
        The number of failed rounds executed prior to adding the block to the chain.
      • getSignersFrom

        java.util.Collection<Address> getSignersFrom​(BlockHeader header)
        Extracts the collection of signers from the supplied block header and returns them to the caller.
        header - the block header from which a list of signers is to be extracted
        The addresses of
      • getConsensusMechanismName

        java.lang.String getConsensusMechanismName()
        Returns the literal name of the BFT consensus mechanism is use (eg ibft or qbft), which forms the prefix for all BFT metrics.
        The name of the consensus mechanism being used by Besu